Thursday, May 10, 2007

Climate Change implications for Microfinance

MIX released today issue #14 of the MicroBanking Bulletin (MBB) Spring 2007 [download online version here]. Feature articles include possible implications of global climate change for microfinance.

In the article, the authors (Paul Rippey and Elisabeth Rhyne) state that ' Microfinance is not usually considered to be one of the key players in addressing the global warming challenge — unlike, for example the transportation and energy sectors. However, on investigation, the extensive networks of MFIs, branch offices, field workers and customers will be implicated in climate change issues to a surprising extent. As good corporate citizens, MFIs can and should take actions, including awareness-raising among their clients, advocacy with policy makers, and modeling of climate-conscious practices in their own businesses.'

A direct link to the climate change article here.