Friday, August 18, 2006

Example reports

TSF participants are interested to see example GRI reports.

Some links here:

Acleda Bank's 2005 Annual Report (PDF)

Findesa's 2005 Memoria 2005 (PDF)

Triodos Bank's 2005 Annual Report (PDF)

Banco Solidario's 2005 Annual Report (PDF)

What is reporting 'In Accordance' with GRI Guidelines ?

We get a lot of questions about 'in accordance' reporting.

This is 'in accordance' according to GRI:

The decision to report 'in accordance' with the Guidelines is an option, not a requirement. It is designed for reporters that are ready for a high level of reporting and who seek to distinguish themselves as leaders. Organizations that wish to identify their report as prepared in accordance with the Guidelines must meet five conditions.
Two key conditions are:
(1) Respond to each core indicator by either (a) reporting on the indicator or (b) explaining the reason for omission of each indicator; and
(2) Include a statement signed by the Board or CEO attesting that the report is a balanced and reasonable presentation of the organisation's sustainability performance.

The in accordance conditions help to advance GRI's commitment to achieving improved report comparability and quality.

Microfinance Gateway's Social Performance Website

Did you know that the microfinance gateway is currently developing a dedicated website about social performance? In the Rome meeting, last April, of the Social Performance Platform, this was announced by Laura Foose (Alternative Credit) and Syed Hashemi (CGAP). We think it's very promising and a already quite a useful source of information.
Check it at