Saturday, April 28, 2007

How Green Is My Office?

According to HIVOS, 'Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) not only face the challenge to measure the social and environmental impact of their products and services on a client level, but increasingly think about the environmental impact of their own office as well.'
HIVOS selected some toolkits and references, that in our opinion are quite relevant and useful.
Click here for the full article in PDF.

Friday, April 06, 2007

TSF III takes flight

The TSF project was initiated in 2004 by Triodos Bank in collaboration with GRI in response to the interest of Triodos investees -MFI in implementing the GRI sustainability reporting concept. Two coaches –Teodorina Lessidrenska, GRI Associate and TBL expert consultant, and Geert Jan Schuite, formerly Triodos’ Sustainability Reporting Coordinator and currently consultant at FACET, are providing hands-on assistance to the TSF banks. The second phase of the TSF (2006-07) focused on deepening and broadening of the TSF initiative. Deepening, through coaching, and advice on further improvement of the reporting process, identification of relevant indicators and development of TBL strategies (including the implementation of sustainability management systems); and broadening, is to expand the group of MFIs initiating these concepts in their organisations. Other proposed activities included facilitating (web-based) knowledge exchange in GRI reporting and sustainability management.

Ultimately, these activities have become a foundation for the TSF third phase, when the coaches focus on training development, and also on possible development of a GRI sector supplement for MFIs.

The training modules that are currently being prepared are:

1. Principal and practical implications of the Triple Bottom Line (TBL- What, Why, How?)
2. Understanding the strategic context of sustainability (Basic concepts; Business case and value for the MFI).
3. Guidance and tools for external Triple Bottom Line Reporting (How step-by-step to build a reporting process)
4. Guidance and tools to develop and use indicators to measure and report Triple Bottom Line impact (Introduction of the G3 and practical session on selection of indicators and measurement methods)
5. Assessing relation between Triple Bottom Line and Risk Management (What are TBL risks; Conceptual models for addressing TBL risks on strategic and governance levels)
6. Building and maintaining a Triple Bottom Line Management System (Basic concepts and winning approaches and models)
7. Guidance and tools for evaluating social/environmental relevance of client’s activities
(Overview of existing evaluation methods and their application; examples; development of action plan)